Monday, March 29, 2010

"Gently, Gently, Gently"

The new calendar year has never felt like a good time for resolutions for me.  I still think in academic years and I find my heart and mind are more open to starting new things and goal setting while having the summer to reflect on what those goals are.  SO .... here we are in late March:).  My kids are on Spring Break and I still feel like I'm coming up for air from our move back home.  I've been thinking and praying about a theme word to bring through the summer when, of course, I'll have everything under control and make goals in every area of my life.  (Lookin' for a bridge to buy?) The word that kept coming to mind was Gentleness.

I didn't know this would ever be a struggle for me particularly when it came to children.  How is it possible that I could be anything but gentle with a child?  When my oldest hit toddlerhood and I had an infant in tow I found the nerves fraying as the number continuous hours of sleep dwindled and I had a harshness in my manner that I didn't know I was capable of.  It was humbling in the "brings you to your knees" variety.  During our years in Nepal I had the gift of extra hands in the house which made for a welcome escape valve when needed and I found my level of anger and frustration with my kids dropped dramatically.  I knew when I returned to real life, a dirty kitchen, loads of laundry and multiple simultaneous requests from my sweet little hoodlums that being gentle could be a challenge.  Asking God to help me be gentle ... today, is a daily request.

My little mental mantra is "gently, gently, gently" when I respond to the tantrum, the irrational demand or just general misbehavior.  I don't get it right all the time but I can't help but think the long term payoff if is important.  Kids don't always remember what we say (really?!) but I know they remember how they feel when we are with them.

"But let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near."
-Phil. 4:5

"I learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong."
-Leo Rosten

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Birds ... in B&W

It's "Dramatic Black & White" week at I Heart Faces!  It is ridiculous how many creative people there are out there making some beauty.  Go check it out.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


It is "Angles" week at I Heart Faces and I assumed I'd post a shot taken from an angled perspective ... and then ... I found this one and the "angles" of all those boxes just jumped out at me!

Go check it out and get inspired!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bundled Up

I think the folks at I Heart Faces are already nostalgic for the snow!  This week's challenge was a snow shot of someone .... bundled up.

The Thankful Leprechaun

Today's conversation:

Me:  So Linds, what was the Bible story at Childrens' class today?

Lindsay:  Something about how Jesus healed ten Leprechauns and only one came back to thank him.

I'm sure that was from the New Irish Version.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jump for Joy!

I knew which shot I'd choose when I saw this theme.  Not as sharp as I'd like but their expressions make me laugh.  Guess which day of the year this might be?  (Hmmm ... new shoes, new haircuts and two very excited and nervous little girls!)

It is "Jump for Joy" week at I Heart Faces.  Go check it out!