Friday, July 16, 2010

Shakin' and Quakin'

We lived for three years in Kathmandu having a fear of "the big one" hanging over our heads.  We had earthquake drills.  We had supplies.  I had spare sneakers under the bed.  We were (somewhat) prepared.  Thankfully - nuthin' happened.

But this morning at 5 am, in Washington Crazy DC, there was an earthquake!

Now of course I wasn't fully aware of this fact.  I read the paper but rarely get to watch the news because as Gavin DeBecker says (paraphrase) - NEWS stands for Nothing Educational Worth Seeing when it comes to having it on in front of children.  But I digress.  SO ... my neighbor Lucy comes over to ask if I woke up at 5am.  At first I said "no".  Then she told me about 3.6 earthquake that shook the area and I started to LAUGH. 

I did wake up at five.  Do you know when you are in that twilight/quasi sleep state?  I woke up and thought "Hmm, they must have finished the HVAC part of the renovation and that unit up on the top floor is on.  Bummer.  It shakes the house.  Is there anything they can do about that?  Put it on a platform or something?  Probably too late.  Oh well."  And back to sleep I went.  I actually didn't give it another thought until Lucy came over.

No one else may think this is funny.  My husband might (yet another good reason to have married him).  Our contractor did (he may have been laughing that it entered my mind at all that they might be ... done!).

I know, those who live in California mock as we rock! 

Here's to just enough excitement to stir us from slumber. Clink.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


It isn't as if nothing is happening in life that I don't blog anymore.  Au contraire Pierre!  There is so much going on that my head is spinning a bit.  Actually I try to keep the head straight so I can see where I am going but the rest of my body is doing the rubberband man keeping the family afloat.

It isn't as if I think the events of life aren't blogworthy.  I compose posts in my head sometimes.  I just can't seem to get them down on the screen anywhere close to the actual event.

So what's goin' on?  Enough fodder for a whole bunch of posts!  The kids have been out of school a month already.  Kit is doing swim team for the very first time.  Our house is being renovated while we suffer neurological damage from lead live in it. There is something else that I just can't write about but I PROMISE to tell you later.  I went to more recitals in June than that woman with 18 kids.  (I'm lying about that.)

I'm so tired right now I can't put a sentence together.

Tomorrow, tomorrow.